Saturday, May 31, 2014

Anna and Mike

I am by no means a professional photographer but I do love taking pictures. More than that I love being able to share my pictures with people. A friend of mine recently became engaged and I volunteered my services to take some engagement photos for her. After all, the only way to get better at anything is to practice (or at least that's what I tell my students). I feel that my strongest photographs are my candid shots, so taking portraits is still new to me. I know I have posed my son a million times but with children even portraits still feel like candid shots as they refuse to sit still.

Anyway here are some of my favorite shots of the day. Before anyone asks (like that's going to happen) some have been edited using Photoshop.

If you are wondering, the Latin phrase below translates to "If there be heaven on earth, this is it, joy everlasting"

Thank you to Anna and Mike for allowing me the opportunity to practice my hobby and thank you for reading. Unless you just looked at the pictures ... just kidding I am thanking those people to they just don't realize it.

Have fun and don't forget to take pictures!

Thursday, April 10, 2014

One Month At A Time

So it finally happened, my Little Buddy turned one year old! I am not sure where the time went or how we got to this point but it happened. This past year has been the most demanding, stressful, tiring, as well as joyful, exciting, and rewarding year of my life. Every day my Little Buddy learns something new. I understand that he literally knows nothing so of course he is constantly learning, however the amazing part is the look on his face once that light bulb goes off. I remember him realizing that his feet were attached to him, I watched as he suddenly figured out that he could hold his own bottle. Just the other day I witnessed the most excited look as he made it to the top of the stairs. I have tried to photograph as many of these moments as possible and have definitely made it to the millions of pictures bracket. Though I am not going to share millions of pictures with you I would like to share this collection of monthly images.

My wife and I knew that we wanted to document his growth via a series of photographs and we also knew that to do this correctly we needed a constant for scale comparisons. I wanted to get him a necktie and while walking through a store one day we came across a super cute teeny tiny Adirondack chair. It was perfect! With the tie and the chair adding a bright pop of color his pictures came out lovely. So here they are one month to twelve months with an added bonus.


Until next time ... have you cake and eat it too!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Potato Potato ... I Think That Only Works When You Say It ...

Photography is one of my favorite hobbies. In recent times I have been taking many pictures of my son and family (by many I mean millions). It has been a while since I have done a food shoot and I thought now was as good a time as ever. Winter is coming to an end, I think, and soups will probably not be on the menu for much longer so here is a super easy and delicious soup that anyone can make.

  To begin with there should be a whole pound of thick sliced bacon being prepared while three potatoes, and a small onion are peeled and chopped. A small bunch of green onions are also to be chopped however the white portion should just be added to the other onion.

Once the bacon is cooked and chopped the potatoes and onions should just go right into the pan the bacon came out of. There is no need to drain the pan, that is only more flavor! Season with whatever you like, personally I like to use McCormak Steak Seasoning. 

 While that is heating up and the potatoes are softening, 3 cups of chicken broth and 1 quart of heavy cream should be heating up.

Once the potatoes are softened enough they are added to the broth and blended smooth. This is where an immersion blender comes in handy, if you do not own one you should fix that. Once all the chunks are gone the bacon is added.

Garnish with the green onion tips and a bit of shredded cheese and consume. This is quickly becoming one of my favorite dishes and it is so simple to make.

Since I am still technically a "new dad" no blog post would be complete without another baby pic. So here it is, my toughest critic even likes this soup!