Monday, October 8, 2012

The Gathering in the Orchard

If you have not noticed yet, its Autumn. And that can only mean one thing. It must be that time of year to pack up the kids ...

... and put on the war paint ...

... because its time again for apple pickin'!

Since my wife and I moved out to central Mass we have been an hour and a half away from friends and family in any direction. However, once a year in October we like to have a gathering of the friends and family for an annual apple picking cook out. This year (as every year) we had quite the turn out! Trying to get a picture of everyone is impossible but I do try every year. No, if you are wondering that is not everyone.

Its quite the sight to see so many from so many generations gathering yearly. As most married couples know or will soon find out it is always about going to see the friends, or one of the two families. It is truely nice to be able to have so many from up and down the east coast of Massachusetts getting together in the middle of the state.

The stories begin in the parking lot as people arrive.

After a short hayride, we're off to find apples!

Not that apple, we usually try to go for ones without warts.

More like that apple.

With so many generations represented it is interesting to see some of the children are not yet old enough to walk on their own.

Some of them just like to be carried.

Some are just too excited to be contained!

This one even found her way to the forbidden zone. Though I am not sure she cared, I am sure the apple was sweeter just for that fact.

Family traditions are a wonderful thing and I am so glad that my wife and I are able to bring so many people together for such a fabulous day. I would like to thank all of the people who made the day such a success as most of the people reading this probably attended. If you did not attend than thank you for reading.


  1. Randy, as always, you have such wonderful pictures. And you capture great moments. I am sad I missed it the past two years but hope to be here for next year! Thank you for sharing! Jenn

  2. If I send you Ty's picture will you add it please? Actually, I sent one to Janine. This is great.
